SAP Payroll Insights 6 January 2020

Welcome to the SAP Payroll Insights newsletter by Insight Consulting Partners! This newsletter is focused on SAP and Employee Central (EC) Payroll features, news, tips & tricks and general industry information.

Notes and Updates from SAP

Most every payroll department in most every country is processing year-end compliance and reporting now. 

For the US, be sure to follow SAP's year-end blog and their W-4 blog - they both contain good, timely information. There have also been a couple follow-up notes for Tax Reporter - Note 2869548 Phase 3 for changes/corrections and notes 2877329 / 2877323 for Maryland SUI reporting. See note 2869546 for more tax changes in DC, Delaware and Arizona. Note 2867063 has corrections for PA local tax authorities, and 2866964 for corrections in MA and OR. Remember to look for any manual corrections to be applied in the note instructions. And if you've copied the standard SAP W-2 configuration to your own to modify it for your own needs (as many do) you will likely have to manually apply these changes to your copy. If you are producing your 1094/1095 forms for the ACA from SAP, be sure to check the master note 2458635

There are also a couple new year-end notes for Canada to take a look at - the year-end master note 2832511 has the details.

For Brazil, in addition to the ongoing changes and corrections for eSocial be sure to apply the ones for SEFIP (2869711 and 2847684) and Informe de Redimentos (2876388). There are a number of other corrections out for Brazil lately so if you have payroll there, take a look.

If you have questions on year-end or need some help please let me know and I'll see if I can get you going in the right direction.

If you use the payroll rule editor PE02 in graphics mode, check out note 2877236 for a correction. Personally, I've stuck to the table layout because the graphics view was too clunky, and I don't like seeing NEXTR show up all over my rules. And, maybe I just didn't want to learn the new editor.

Not sure what the exact cause and impact of note 2859801 is but a title of 'Payroll control record not updated' and some description of the import function IMPRT not working correctly seems like a big deal. If we aren't managing the control record properly and not correctly building the payroll directory, well... things could badly go awry. 

Around the Web

The SAP HCM Insights podcast is back with a new episode featuring AJ Whalen of SAP Insider, recorded with my colleagues Becky Murray and Martin Gillet. We spoke with AJ about his research into SAP SuccessFactors HCM (excuse me, I meant HXM). Customers can participate in the research too - see the podcast notes for details.

US companies were extra busy this year-end rolling out new W-4 forms and tax calculation changes. The American Payroll Association (APA) put together a good collection of resources if you are still working on your W-4 roll-out.

SAP has introduced a new FlexPay product for their Employee Central Payroll. It's a service that lets employees get on-demand advances on time already earned. The advance is then collected later when payroll is processed. There are ways to create rules for how much an employee can request, so it is customizable. Currently in beta release, SAP is looking for more customers to sign up for the service. 

Quote of the Moment

'Delay is preferable to error' - Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't a payroll-person 

Have a great day!

Steve Bogner
Managing Partner, Insight Consulting Partners

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