SAP Payroll Insights 10 Sep 2019

Welcome to the SAP Payroll Insights newsletter by Insight Consulting Partners! This newsletter is focused on SAP and Employee Central (EC) Payroll features, news, tips & tricks and general industry information.

Notes and Updates from SAP

If you run SAP Payroll for Canada, the year-end master note 2832511 needs to be reviewed often for the next few months. The year-end updates are delivered via support packages H8, E4 or 72 depending on which enhancement pack you are on. Looks like they should be released around 10 October. See the note for all the details.

If you are using Smartforms/HRForms for your off-cycle pay statement (and if you are not you should!), take a look at note 2830847. It syncs up the off-cycle workbench with the PC00_Mxx_HRF transaction so that filtering of reversed payrolls is consistent. I haven't implemented this note yet, but I can see cases where I'd want to show reversed payrolls in the off-cycle workbench but not print them via PC00_Mxx_HRF. Hopefully the BAdi SAP provides here will let us do that.

If you are using RPCIPE01 to post payroll to accounting, check out note 2832159 for a performance improvement.

For US Payroll, if you are using tax method 07 Concurrent for Federal withholding on an employee, and that employee gets more than $1 million in supplemental wages, the wages over that threshold are not getting taxed at the proper 37%. Kind of obscure but important if you have that Concurrent tax method for someone - note 2828947 fixes that.

Also for US tax, wagetypes for tax type 96 are setup incorrectly - note 2792015 fixes that.

If you are using SAP's report for EEO-1, take a look at note 2480243 to get the latest on those changes.

As usual, there are a lot of notes for the Payroll Control Center - do a search in area PY-XX-PYP to assess the impact. 

Around the Web

Repeating from the previous newsletter because it's that time of year: Year-end preparations for the US are getting started. SAP's traditional year-end blog is up and going, and I encourage every US payroll customer to follow it and participate. As usual, the year-end support packs for the US come out in October; rest of the world is December (fun times for global customers!). ASUG will have some webinars in early October, as usual. I always get this question: Do I have to install the year-end HR Support Pack to be supported for payroll next year? And my answer is: Yes. Of course you might be fine if you don't, and you might be able to apply individual notes. But don't risk your payroll processing and payroll compliance on the possibility that you 'might' be OK.

More Paid Sick Laws taking force, this time in Texas. The APA has some links to the details for Dallas and San Antonio; Austin is on hold.

How long will it take to implement my payroll system? EC Payroll? SAP Payroll? Outsourced Payroll? I have an answer for that on my blog - bottom line, I don't know but I can help you figure it out. It's more complex than simple metrics can predict.

Another article about "on-demand Pay" becoming more popular, contrasted with New York and a handful of other states investigating abuses and broken regulations around that same practice. I've seen this service offering from a few vendors lately and I'm wondering why it is so attractive to some companies? You could make advances easier to get, setup a same-day ACH payment method or pay-cards, and run off-cycle payrolls to get this done. Of course, that is extra work and maybe it is worth paying someone else to handle that. Maybe my incredible SAP Payroll Insights readers can enlighten me on how wonderful on-demand pay can be. Let me know.

The Global Payroll Management Institute has a new multi-part article on 'shadow payrolls' - those expatriate payrolls that usually turn out to be so complex. This article does a good job describing the overall approach and need for these.

And I will be at SuccessConnect - co-presenting some info on cloud payroll with my partners at iXerv as well as checking out the payroll-related sessions. I will also be sure to attend the Time & Payroll meetup - hopefully I'll see you there!

Quote of the Moment

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” -- Winston Churchill

Have a great day!

Steve Bogner
Managing Partner, Insight Consulting Partners

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Thanks Steve. As always informative.

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