SAP Payroll Insights 4 Jan 2019

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Notes and Updates from SAP

It's year-end time for payroll so of course there are updates from SAP to keep track of. In the US, see note 2683055 as a hub for all the changes going on. For Canada the year-end master note is 2693268

SAP released a new payroll report H99CWTR0_RETRO. That’s the program name, not the transaction code; and it’s not in the standard payroll menus from what I can see. C’mon SAP you can do better - customers aren’t going to use this report if there’s no transaction code attached to it (at least, they shouldn’t!). Anyway, the report is the result of a customer improvement request, which is great. It is like the regular wagetype reporter but has additional columns for the amount before the retro, after the retro, and the retro difference. It’s nice (but I’ll take EasyReporter over this any day). This report was announced with note 2660487; if you want to use this report be sure to also apply note 2686200 that fixes a couple bugs. And make your own transaction code for it.

There are some important changes for paid family leave in the US, and note 2646985 is a good start on that. One of the important changes is that we are now using three-digit tax types instead of two-digits. This change has been rolled out in a few pieces, and now it's time to use it. Unfortunately there are some bugs associated with these latest changes - one of the more critical ones is that cumulations in the TCRT are broken. See note 2736529 for that - and if you're impacted, then get it installed. Unfortunately SAP doesn't say what you should do if you already have incorrect YTD values in the TCRT due to this bug; I bet they would recommend running transaction PC00_M99_UCRT to fix it.

If you use the HR Process Workbench to run your regular payrolls, there's a new selection program H99_SELECT_PERNR_PY_RELEVANT that filters out all the employees who don't need to be selected for payroll (H99_SELECT_PERNR doesn't do that). Take a look at your process models and update them with this new selection program if you want. If you need or want help with it just let us know.

Around the Web

An article in the Harvard Business Review advocates for a 6-hour work day. As we automate more and more of the 'algorithmic' tasks through systems and technology such as Robotic Process Administration (RPA), what remains is the 'heuristic' work, that requires people to spend time thinking and being more creative. The authors argue there is a lot in today's workplace that prevents us from being more productive. They have some great points there.

The Global Payroll Management Institute (GPMI) has a good interview with the director of global payroll at Microsoft, Victor Garcia. He touches on a couple key points that I have also advised customers to focus on - be partners with the business, there is a lot of value in payroll data, and the employee experience with payroll is important. He also touches on the challenges larger organizations face when trying to approach payroll on a global basis.

Quote of the Moment

No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.



Have a great day!

Steve Bogner
Managing Partner, Insight Consulting Partners

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