SAP Payroll Insights 30 Jul 2019

Welcome to the SAP Payroll Insights newsletter by Insight Consulting Partners! This newsletter is focused on SAP and Employee Central (EC) Payroll features, news, tips & tricks and general industry information.

Notes and Updates from SAP

The parallel payroll posting program RPCIPE01 has a bug in it. Seems to pop up when there are retroactive changes in payroll results and account assignment. If you use this program for posting payroll, apply note 2815353 just to be sure. As long as you're fixing this program, go ahead and also apply note 2814720 to fix/optimize some configuration table processing.

As mentioned in previous newsletters, there is a lot of change going on in US payroll for Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) compliance. SAP has a good note/FAQ on this - check out 2646985. Save it as a favorite so that it's easy to come back to and monitor - there have been 10 versions fo this note so far, so it's a dynamic area.

If you are using the Payroll Control Center then be sure to keep up on the notes for that – there have been 8 released in the past 30 days – which is about the normal pace. Search for notes in component PY-XX-PYP for these.




Payroll Control Center - Daemon Job canceled in back end


Payroll Control Center - Performance Tuning for Process Management Application


Payroll Control Center: Upcoming processes loading very slow


Payroll Control Center - Steps using Step template PYP_V2_REL_POST_DOC can't skip


Payroll Control Center: Alert Auto Assignment Does Not Authorize Payroll Admin for Changing Master Data in Production Payroll


Payroll Control Center - Recurrence event handler jobs in Admin Transaction


Payroll Control Center - Store Error Messages consistent with Payroll Driver


Payroll Control Center: Unable to save new process


Around the Web

There's a good article in HR Examiner about needless complexity in payroll, and ideas for reforming payroll. Why can’t payroll be more standard and streamlined among states, even among countries? Some states don’t allow salaried employees to be paid monthly, while many others do. Some states require hourly-paid workers to be paid weekly but most of them allow bi-weekly. How many weeks are in a year? It varies per country. State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) is a Federal mandate, but many of the states have different reporting requirements. Why all this needless complexity? It’s a great question. Our goal is always to streamline, simplify and standardize payroll for our customers - but that can only be done within the complexity of the payroll's requirements in a given country. Challenging work!

SAP SuccessFactors' SuccessConnect event is in Las Vegas this September 16-19. This is a good event for customers to get SAP's take on the SuccessFactors HCM products, roadmaps and direction. A lot of marketing to be sure, but also a good opportunity to learn and network with other customers and consultants. I'll be there - let me know if you want to meet!

SAP has a number of other HCM-related events - check them out at the SuccessFactors Community page.

If you have employees in Minnesota be sure to educate yourself on their new legislation around rates of pay, pay statements and record-keeping.

If you have US employees on your SAP Payroll check out this seminar from the American Payroll Association on the new W-4 form and tax calculations for 2020.

We have a couple new SAP HCM Insights podcasts to mention too - Find the right implementation partner - and managing them, and How to make your projects more successful. Hope you enjoy them!

Quote of the Moment

"If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes-then learn how to do it later!" -- Richard Branson ...

... except for being an SAP SuccessFactors HCM/Payroll consultant. It doesn't work that way.

Have a great day!

Steve Bogner
Managing Partner, Insight Consulting Partners

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