SAP Payroll Insights 21 Jun 2019

Welcome to the SAP Payroll Insights newsletter by Insight Consulting Partners! This newsletter is focused on SAP and Employee Central (EC) Payroll features, news, tips & tricks and general industry information.

Notes and Updates from SAP

There has been a  lot of activity this year for Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) in the US. SAP note 2646985 is a good starting point to learn how SAP is complying with those news regulations in WA, MA and NY. Note 2790914 on WA PFML is particularly relevant since it describes how SAP's solution is changing to not use tax types 888 and 999. Expect to see more changes in the area of PFML taxes for US Payroll.

This is a new one! Note 2794168 describes a new tax type 104 for Boone County, KY that is applicable only to workers at two specific addresses (detailed in the note). So only workers at thos two specific addresses are subjec to this new local tax - not something you see very often, if ever.

Ever had to use the ABAP debugger to figure out what is going on with the payroll schema and rules? Yeah, me too. Note 1818219 from SAP has some good tips on using the ABAP debugger. Too bad we still need to do this. Maybe in SAP's next version of payroll it will not only be fun and intuitive but also explain itself better.

For hybrid EC/SAP Payroll customers, note 2529973 is a nice collection of links to various documents to help you sort of the replication and data sharing processes.

Around the Web

Just what is included in EC Payroll? This is always a popular topic when I talk with SAP Payroll customers – what can I do in EC Payroll, and what can I not do? Probably one of the questions asked most often is what can be done with ECP for Time Management? Read through SAP's site on that and come to your own conclusion, but also be sure to check with SAP for their official feedback if you move forward with EC Payroll. In short, EC Payroll is meant to be a payroll system and perform payroll processes. It is not meant to be your ‘leading’ or ‘primary’ time management or benefits system. Also see the recent note 2804149 - no Org Management is allowed in ECP. 

Lots of people are asking about SAP’s plan to support the new W-4 going into effect in 2020 for the US. To learn more about the new W-4 and Federal income tax calculations see the latest from the APA and from the IRS via this PDF. SAP has responded to W-4 changes in the past by releasing new functionality via the year-end HR Support Packs; as far as I know they have not announced how they will support these new changes but I am sure they will be supported and there will be some work for customers to adopt those changes. Stay tuned.

Quote of the Moment

“We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action.” – Dr. Henry Link

"We'll never finish if we don't get started!" ... and ... "Starting this the right way is key to finishing the right way." -- Steve Bogner

Have a great day!

Steve Bogner
Managing Partner, Insight Consulting Partners

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