Log retention for W-2's and Tax Reporting

When Tax Reporter is run to produce tax forms such as W-2's, 1099-R's, 941's and so on, it creates a number of different outputs. The log files and mag media files are produced as TemSe output - which is intended to be stored only temporarily. Each time a TemSe output is created, the system puts an expiration date on it. Subsequent maintenance programs run to delete all the TemSe objects that have expired. The default expiration date is today + 30 days.

So for tax reporting, you might want to retain those logs and mag media files longer (though you can always regenrate the mag media files, even after they have expired). This setting is controlled in the feature TEMSE. Use transaction PE03 to maintain that feature.

There are three objects for the feature that relate to Tax Reporter:

Object Description
Tax Reporter TemSe Objects
CTRPUT Mag media file from a 'test' run
CTRPUP Mag media file from a 'production' run - i.e. your production W-2 file or SUI file.
XXXX XXXX = Tax Company code, which determines how long to keep the Tax Reporter logs for the given Tax Company code.

For the mag media file objects simply specify the number of days you want them to stay in the system before being deleted. The Tax Reporter log setting works a bit different - if you specify one number, that will apply to the logs for both production and test runs. If you want to specify a different number of days for each of those, separate them with a '/' symbol. For example, to keep production logs for one year and test logs for 60 days, use 365/60. Once the settings are made, save and activate the feature, and test it as you would any other change management item.

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